
Location: Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela

Monday, December 18, 2006

Developmental Paragraph (1st Draft)

A good point to star to comprehend the whole situation is to state the possible reasons of why the process of teaching English has been ineffective and inefficient. This process as every process needs to have a well planified and focus development of its parts and needs to be conceived for the students and their conceptions of the learning process. Another situation that affects the process of teaching English in educational context is the few relation stated between the contains and the reality, a situation that affects the process itself because derives in a not very significative apprenticeship.
As an example, in Venezuela, recent studies made by cathedratics in the area from ULA university have revealed that in most of the schools visited to made the researches, the average of students that fulfilled the minimums requirements to approve the instrument designed for this reason was of three in ten, which it means 30% in a population of 3000 students (*). So, you can imagine that there is something wrong in a point of the process or in the whole process. The studies also revealed that the students only try to “study to pass the exam” and not because they like the way they are being teaching or evaluated. That information contrasted later with the answers the researchers received when they made the same questions to the same students but regarding to other subjects like science or geography.
So, is in this point where you can try to set up what are the solutions for this reality. The way people conceive the process for teaching English as well as another foreign language need to change to another point view, which it jeans that even all the little processes that involve this great and wonderful process of teaching English need to change or be modifiers in order to redesign strategies, planification plans scanning of the students, etc.
Another solution that educational community can think about is the use of the newest Technologies like Internet, video beam, video classes, etc in order to find another way to motivate students to get involve with the contains of the classes and the process, not only of teaching but also of learning.
The situation shown threw the text could it be negative, but if you think more about the solutions, you can find some like the ones offered here and set up another ones in order that the complete educational community realize about the complexity of the situation and what people could make to improve the whole educational system.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Introductory Paragraph

Through the years, the process of teaching English has become one the topics that have created more controversies in educational contexts. Experiences in evaluation process indicate that the strategies used so far have not reported the expected results as well as the achievement of the goals they were created for. For that reason, a lot of academiscs in this area are trying to state the possible causes and what could be the solutions for this problematic, in oerder to find and apply an effective process for teaching English.
Essay Plan:
Development of the Body:
1st paragraph: The possible causes for the problematic will be stated, described and explained under an academic point of wiev.
2nd paragraph: Background information about the process of teaching English will be added in order to set up what could be the most effective strategies to improve the process itself.
3rd paragraph: The possible solutions for the whole problematic of the process of teaching English will be suggested.
Concluding Paragraph:
A general reflection sentence will be written to state our definitive position about the ideas that we delopment through the essay.