Location: Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


1) a- Opening with a quote (the exact words)
b- Opening with an interesting or emotional story.
c- Opening with a question.
d- Opening with a startling fact.
e- Opening with a striking image (description)

2) a-All men are not created equal
b- In this time of increased terrorism and nuclear proliferation, we need a strong military that represents the entire nation and all its citizens, a military that can be ready for action at a moment’s notice.
c- Lastly, as medical science and technology are always advancing, there is always the possibility that what is incurable today could be curable or manageable in the near future.
d- Therefore, marijuana should be legalized.
e- On the other hand, however, branding sexual offenders for life might actually do more harm than good.

3) a- To improve voter turnout
Voting to elect public officials is one of the most invaluable rights of a citizen in a democratic society. Through voting, people realize the basic principles of democracy and establish a government of the people, by the people and for the people. In countries where voting is compulsory, voter turnout is between 70% and 90%. In contrast, voter turnout in the U.S. is only 50%. That is because, unlike in other western democracies, registering to vote is not easy in the U.S. to make matters worse, elections are held on a Tuesday, which is a workday for most Americans. In addition to the cumbersome registration process and the fact that Election Day is a workday, the two-party system offers a limited choice to voters. Unless the known causes of low voter turnout are dealt with, citizen of the U.S. will not be truly represented by their elected leaders.
b-Against Euthanasia
Nowadays, there is a heated debate going in regarding euthanasia (assisted suicide). Supporters of euthanasia say that it is inhumane to keep alive terminally ill people who are experiencing immense suffering. However, pain and suffering are just as much a part of life as good health and happiness. Life is precious, and no one has the right to take his own life. Moreover, because the interest of the patient may be in conflict with those of the family or medical community, there is technology are always advancing, there is always the possibility that what is incurable today could be curable or manageable in the near future. For these reasons, euthanasia should remain illegal.

4) a- The thesis contradicts the introductory paragraph
b-The thesis is unclear
c- The thesis is a fact
d- The thesis unrelated to the introductory paragraph
e- The thesis is too general

5) Cases of juveniles offenders should be handled by the juvenile justice system. The responsibility of protecting and rehabilitating juveniles lies within this system’s jurisdiction. To achieve this, it offers save and appropriate alternatives to adult prisons. These alternatives may include: suspended judgments, probation, placement in a community treatment program or in a state agency responsible for juvenile institutional care. In addition, courts have ruled that, unlike adults, juveniles committed to rehabilitative institutions have a right to treatment such as therapy and educational or vocational programs. These treatment plans give juveniles a chance for emotional growth and education. Once juvenile offenders are properly educated and emotionally stable, they can become productive members of society. Therefore, only the juvenile justice system is the appropriated place to handle teenagers who committed crimes.

6) a- Required military service would create a military made up of members from all walks of life.
b- Participation in educational programs helps prisoners appreciate and adopt social norms and values that are agreeable to society.
c- Considering race in college admissions promotes diversity on college campuses.
d- However, executions cost taxpayers a lot more than life imprisonment.

7) a- Should Election Day be a national holiday?
Elections in the U.S. take place on a Tuesday. This is the day when citizens elect a president who will hold the highest public office, as well as a number of senators, house representatives and other officials. Yet, this important day of exercising a vital democratic right falls on a workday, and as a result, there are many Americans who are unable to leave work to cast their ballot. In contrast, many others democracies that encourage people to vote by designating a national holiday for elections or by holding elections on weekends have a very high voter turnout. To increase voter turnout, the U.S. government should do the same as its western counterparts and give people a holiday on which the can cast their votes at leisure.
b- Harassment of sex offenders
One negative effect of the community notification law is that sex offender whose residence in a community is well known may be subject to harassment or physical harm by the public. One such incident is the case of Joseph Gallardo, a released child molester. Gallardo had his house torched by vigilante-minded citizens who felt it was their duty to tell the ex-convict he was not wanted. However, though such vigilantism is just as illegal as the crimes for which Gallardo was convicted, the case was not investigated thoroughly and no suspects were arrested. One possible reason for this negligence is that law enforcement officials are not very sympathetic to a sex offender’s claim of harassment or violence. With this adverse treatment by authorities and community, an offender who has done his time in prison may never be able to readjust to a normal life.

8) a- As this study clearly shows, sentencing teenagers as adults helps discourage other teenagers from committing crimes.
b- Because gun-access preventions laws are constitutionals and practical, they make and effective means of gun control.
c- There is no denying that caring for terminally ill loved one takes a serious physical and emotional toll on family members.
d- In short, prison education programs are beneficial to society because they turn prisoners into productive, dependable and upstanding citizens.

9) a- In fact, but, yet, similarly, in addition, therefore.
b- As a result, since, consequently, but, in order to, as long as.
c- Also, however, in fact, consequently, when, but.

10) a- The concluding paragraph does not match the outline.
b- The concluding paragraph matches the outline.
c- The concluding paragraph does not match the outline.
d- The concluding paragraph does not match the outline.
e- The concluding paragraph matches the outline.


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