Exercises 2. The Thesis Statement
1- Thesis "b" is the best working thesis. It identifies specific causes of anorexia nervosa and indicates the grouping and order in which the causes will be discussed in the research paper.
2- Thesis "c" is the best thesis.Thesis "c" provides more focus than thesis "b" by identifying the particular areas of business practice to be researched.
3- Thesis "b" is the best thesis. Thesis "b" focuses its thought on two types of dilemma raised by the appearance of Hamlet's father's ghost. You could use evidence from the play as well as evidence from critics' interpretations of the play in order to support this stance.
4- Thesis sentences "a," "b," and "c" are all potentially usable as working theses for a research paper. Thesis "b" is an example of a working thesis for an ANALYTICAL research paper while thesis "c" is an example of a working thesis for an ARGUMENTATIVE research paper. Both "b" and "c" are researchable and, once you started to research, you'd probably find ways of defining the phrase "substantially helped." Yet the best thesis is thesis "a," since it already does specify the ways in which the whole language approach has helped elementary school children to read. Thesis "a" functions better as a working thesis, since it focuses the search in what might be a very broad field of benefits.
1- Thesis "b" is the best working thesis. It identifies specific causes of anorexia nervosa and indicates the grouping and order in which the causes will be discussed in the research paper.
2- Thesis "c" is the best thesis.Thesis "c" provides more focus than thesis "b" by identifying the particular areas of business practice to be researched.
3- Thesis "b" is the best thesis. Thesis "b" focuses its thought on two types of dilemma raised by the appearance of Hamlet's father's ghost. You could use evidence from the play as well as evidence from critics' interpretations of the play in order to support this stance.
4- Thesis sentences "a," "b," and "c" are all potentially usable as working theses for a research paper. Thesis "b" is an example of a working thesis for an ANALYTICAL research paper while thesis "c" is an example of a working thesis for an ARGUMENTATIVE research paper. Both "b" and "c" are researchable and, once you started to research, you'd probably find ways of defining the phrase "substantially helped." Yet the best thesis is thesis "a," since it already does specify the ways in which the whole language approach has helped elementary school children to read. Thesis "a" functions better as a working thesis, since it focuses the search in what might be a very broad field of benefits.
5- Thesis "a" is the best thesis since it is the most focused and specific. Thesis "a" focuses the argument on the hospital as an oligopoly (a certain type of economic structure). It also implies that the writer will explain how changed policy has influenced hospital economics.
6- UNIT 7 - Thesis Statements
Exercise 1: For each of the following, decide whether it is a general topic (GT), narrowed topic (NT), argumentative thesis statement (ATS), or report thesis statement (RTS). Start by deciding if the sentence is a grammatically complete (that is, whether it has a full verb and is an independent clause). If it is a complete sentence, then it will be either a report thesis statement or an argumentative thesis statement. If it is not a complete sentence, then it states either a general topic or a narrowed topic.
1. Small business enterprises in China's northern regions.
2. Cotton is a subtropical plant that has many uses.
3. Although many medical students study in foreign countries, it is better to do medical training in one's own country.
4. Despite the fact that most people believe that the Knights Templars Order disappeared after its trial, there is some evidence that the Order was maintained and became the current Masonic Order.
5. Use of an EKG recorded during twenty-four hours in the diagnosis, evaluation, and rehabilitation of patients with arrhythmias.
6. Languages of the world.
7. Because Italy is in danger of losing an important part of its cultural tradition -- opera, the Italian government should step in and try to make it more accessible to the public and encourage new talent.
8. The piano as a keyboard instrument.
9. Keyboard instruments are of many types.
10. Schools need to train students to play keyboard instruments because it builds hand-eye coordination, as well as developing a love for music.
Exercise 2
1. Which of the following is a general topic?
- The internet in Japan
2. Which of the following is a narrowed topic?
- Soaking one's body in a hot tub as a way of improving health and composure
3. Which of the following is an argumentative thesis statement?
- Artificial Intelligence researchers should not try to make computers think like people but should instead try to develop computers that will have special applications only
4. Which of the following is a report thesis statement?
- The market for vending machines is so competitive that we can see a variety of them everywhere
5. Which of the following is a general topic?
- Issues in city planning.
6. Which of the following is a narrowed topic?
- The cost of maintaining the United Nations buildings in New York.
7. Which of the following is an argumentative thesis statement?
- Soy beans should be cultivated more widely.
8. Which of the following is a report thesis statement?
- Three ways of controlling the spread of disease are to be described.
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